Foto: Celia Catalino

Áno, tu podporujem produkt/službu. Nie, za to sa mi neplatí. Volá sa hudba spolu a dve minulé skúsenosti ma prinútili rozhodnúť sa odporučiť túto aktivitu.

Foto: Celia Catalino

Niektorí z mojich kamarátov sme spolu robili hudbu založenú na hudbe a pohybe založené na relácii pre tri po sebe idúce „semestre“ a potom sme sa rozhodli preskočiť semester. Počas obdobia hudby Hiatus sme sa stretli v parku počas časového úseku, ktorý mnohí z nás robili spolu hudbu, a Sarah sa priznala, ako veľmi ju chýbala, nemohla sa dočkať, kým sa to znova začalo, a to to nerobí prinútila ju vidieť, koľko si ju vážila. Náš Playdate založený na parku jednoducho zaplňoval dieru v jej živote, ktorý zostal spoločným zdržaním sa hudby.

Dobre, takže Sarah (Hearts) Hudba spolu. Jej nadšenie ma nútilo premýšľať o tom, ako sa o tom cítim. Myslel som, že je to príliš drahé, a potom som sa rozhodol, že súhlasím so Sarah.

Neskôr toho dňa som čítal, že väčšina severoamerických rodín pozná iba dve alebo tri piesne, ktoré spievajú svojim deťom, keď sa narodia, a jednou z nich je zvyčajne 99 fliaš piva. A tu je miesto, do akej miery sa z týchto tried dostanete. Z hudby spolu s manželom sme sa naučili nespočetné množstvo piesní, ktoré môžu byť spievané a znovu natiahnuté rôznymi spôsobmi.

Trieda je navrhnutá tak, aby vás naučila, rodiča, ako začleniť hudbu do života vášho dieťaťa.* Každá skladba sa dá zmeniť tak, aby zahŕňala meno vášho dieťaťa, záujmy alebo popis aktivít, ktoré robíte. Náš učiteľ, RYK, tiež poskytuje úžasné rady o používaní hudby na odvrátenie pri výmene plienok alebo kladenia topánok. Ľudia, funguje to.

Julian bol posadnutý CD, ktoré prichádzajú s triedou. Prosil nás, aby sme ich obliekli, a potom, ako dieťa, sa usmial a mával, keď začul prvú pieseň.

Trieda nie je o budovaní hudobných zručností vo vašom dieťati. V skutočnosti sú vítaní, že sedia absolútne v pokoji a ticho. Zúčastňuje sa rodič alebo opatrovateľ. Teória je taká, že môžete rozvíjať hudobný záujem a nadšenie u detí tým, že im umožní sledovať, ako sa bavíte so zvukmi, piesňami a nástrojmi.

Vzhľadom na to, že v tejto kultúre nemáme komunitné hudobné zážitky, naše deti nevyzdvihnú piesne, ktoré by odovzdali svojim deťom, pokiaľ to neurobíme.

Takže tam to máš. Môj milostný list pre hudbu spolu.

Foto: Celia Catalino

Nájdite jeden vo vašom okolí, aby ste absolvovali bezplatnú skúšobnú triedu.

A opäť to nie je reklama.

, sa stará!




Zelená môže byť pre mladých farieb desivou farbou, keď pristane na svojich tanieroch. Podľa amerického ministerstva zdravotníctva a wellness, ako aj ľudské služby, ako aj dve až tri porcie ovocia denne, stále vyžadujú jesť tri až štyri porcie zeleniny, ako aj dve až tri porcie ovocia denne.

“Bolo by skvelé vyhrať svojich mladých ľudí, aby ste sa dostali priamo do chuti zeleniny, ale musíte ponúknuť pravdu, že veľa mladých ľudí sa im nepáči, štáty zaregistrované dietetikom Felicia Stoler, autor Livinga Skinny In. FAT GENY: Zdravá metóda chudnutia, ako aj fantasticky, ako aj zadržanie show TLC „Honey Kills We Childing!“

Riešenie? Skryte ovocie, ako aj zeleninu v potravinách Youngsters Love. Takto:

Zalušia vegetarizácia Technika č. 1: Maskáž kauliflower.
Karuliflower je výnimočný zdroj draslíka, vlákniny, ako aj vitamínov C, ako aj K. ťažkej pary, ako aj ho premarí, a potom ho premiešajte do zemiakových kaše v pomere 1-1. “Zoberie farbu všetkého, s čím ju uvaríte,” uvádza Stoler, takže vaši mladí nikdy nebudú rozumieť tomu, že tam je.

Zalušia vegetarizácia Technika č. 2: Vytvorte priemernú, ekologickú mäsovú guľu.
Hrsť vyčisteného surového detského špenátu – bohaté na vitamíny A, C, E, K, ako aj B; železo; draslík; vápnik; Rovnako ako vláknina – robí zmiznutie, keď sa vymaže, ako aj varí do hamburgerov, sekany, mäsových guličiek alebo nedbalí Joes. Najlepšie s kečupom alebo omáčkou, aby ste skryli akýkoľvek druh dôkazov. Špenát podporuje kosť, ako aj zdravie zubov, okrem celkového zdravia očí a wellness (nielen zraku).

Zalušia vegetarizácia Technika č. 3: Zakladajte muffiny.
Oranžové ovocie, ako aj zelenina, ako je tekvica, orechové tekvica, nádherné zemiaky, ako aj mrkva, produkujú vlhké, chutné a deti priateľské k deťom. V závislosti od vegetariánov získate vitamíny plus draslík, vlákninu a antioxidanty. Pridajte škoricu, ako aj pomlčku muškátového muškátu pre nádhernú chuť podobnú Cinnabonu.

Súvisiaci zázvor vám môže pomôcť schudnúť a cítiť sa skvele

Zalušia vegetarizácia Technika č. 4: Vyprážajte iný friter.
Deti nemôžu vydržať chrumkavé palacinky na zemiaky – aj keď je celá cuketra nastrúhaná zemiakom. Najlepšie s jablkovou omáčkou na zásah nádherného ovocia. Medzi zemiakmi, ako aj cuketou, tieto frittery pozostávajú zo zdravých porcií vitamínu C, draslíka, vitamínov B a antioxidantov.

Zalušia vegetarizácia Technika č. 5: Lekár Vaša špagetová omáčka.
Mriežte alebo pyré zmes uvareného baklažánu, nádherné papriky, ako aj žltú tekvicu a pridajte do špagetovej omáčky Jarred. Tieto zdravé ovocie (áno, ovocie!) Dodávajú silnú zmes antioxidantov, vlákniny, vitamínov B, ako aj vitamínov A, ako aj C. Pridajte do pizze alebo cestovín, ako aj na vrchol strúhaným syrom.

Jedného dňa vás vaši mladí ľudia s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou prekvapia a požiadajú o hrášok aj mrkvu. Medzitým sa však vkradnutie zeleniny do ich jedla (keď naskladáte celú zeleninu na svojich tanieroch!), Poskytuje im vitamíny, minerály a živiny, ktoré potrebujú. as well as you won’t have to hear “Yuck!”

By Aviva Patz for the healthy mommies Magazine
Aviva Pats has written for lots of national
publications, such as Parents, Parenting, Health, Self, Redbook as well as Marie Claire. 

Link to this post:5 methods to slip Veggies into Kids’ Food


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If you’re dying to understand if your friend, acquaintance, or chubby barista at Starbucks is pregnant, you may never ever, not ever ask outright “When are you due?” or “Are you pregnant?”. You may not ask directly if you understand she’s trying, she’s being crazy bitchy, as well as you just discovered a pregnancy band around her waist.

Instead, may I suggest these much more tactful concerns to suss out your answer:

Do you have any type of travel plans for Christmas this year? (or other event about 6 months into the future)

Are you training for a triathlon this summer? (or other ill endurance event)

Do you mind if I smoke? (not sure-fire as well as not going to work in Berkeley)

Would you like some brie?

Would you like a cocktail? I make a extremely great ______

Does this milk/cheese/meat odor rancid to you?

Your hair looks so beautiful as well as thick. Are you utilizing a different shampoo/stylist?

Do you believe you as well as ____ are going to have any type of (more) children? (a completely impolite as well as invasive concern however method way favored to asking if she already is pregnant, count on me!)

Will you assist me put a extremely heavy new satellite meal on my roofing system this weekend?

Would you like to go surfing/snowboarding this weekend? Our rental location has a hot tub too.

Where did you get that lovely shirt? Is that Anthropologie? (or Liz Lange by Target?)

(Say nothing whatsoever as well as ask her friends)

You are positively glowing. (and leave it at that)

I have been asked so numerous times if I was expecting when I wasn’t that I went ahead as well as had a third infant (not the suggested solution, btw) — when I was all dressed up, when I stated no to cheese, as well as when I was drinking water after a number of cocktails. Do not ask if there is a bun in the oven, unless you see the infant crowning. Nie je začo.

We are both expecting in this photo; I will never look less expecting than this again.

sa stará!




Streda bez slov je živá na a Odkaz na svoj príspevok v stredu bez slov.

Keď môj najmladší zaspal na gauči, musel som zachytiť niekoľko fotografií.

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Odkaz na tento príspevok: #Wordlesswednesday v utorok-spať ako a spať ako a spať ako a spať ako a spať ako a spať ako Dieťa


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If an disease is going around institution possibilities are one of my five kids will come house with it.  When one kid gets sick, before long all seven of us have caught the bug.  This year was no exception.  Less than two weeks back a tummy virus was spreading like wildfire as well as the boys, myself as well as my other half all caught it.  Wouldn’t it be excellent if we might understand ahead of time if a virus is spreading in our communities? A wise thermometer would assist in circumstances like mine.

New wise Thermometer by Swaive

This innovation is now possible today.  The Swaive Corporation, makers of the world’s very first smartphone-enabled ear thermometer (available in the Apple Store), has just recently partnered with Sickweather, designer of the world’s very first real-time map of illness, to enable Swaive wise Thermometer individuals to anonymously volunteer their fever data to the Sickweather neighborhood for tracking colds, flu, strep throat as well as more.

“Our clients will likewise see which illnesses are trending in their area while they are utilize our thermometer,” stated Gurpal Bhoot, CEO of Swaive. “It adds a whole new dimension to comprehending which disease they may have before taking the next steps in seeking suitable medical care.”

Sickweather processes over 6 million reports of disease monthly utilizing advanced device discovering methods to evaluate social network for illness surveillance, however this is the very first time that Sickweather will get input directly from a medical gadget partner which has undergone a medical gadget high quality system auditing process.

“We are truly thrilled to see exactly how much much more fine-tuned our fever tracking will be when Swaive individuals begin volunteering fever data,” stated Graham Dodge, CEO of Sickweather. “This is a very first in public health.”

Related  A look at the major Choline Sources

This news is interesting for young households like mine.  Recently, I had the possibility to try out this innovation utilizing the new Swaive Intelligent Ear Thermometer infant Thermometer with app for Tracking.  The wise thermometer is available in a useful bit storage box as well as includes two double A batteries as well as 20 hygienic covers.

Swaive suggests that individuals download the Swaive app from the app store or Google Play for their apple or android device.  I quickly found this from Google Play as well as installed it on my Samsung Galaxy S6 edge .  The app enables you to add your household members as well as customise their profiles with a photo. one more excellent function of the Swaive app is that it immediately links to many other health and wellness apps including the Samsung health and wellness app.

Taking a temperature with the Swaive wise thermometer is quite simple.  All you do is press the button found on the top of the device, provide your child‘s ear a bit tug, as well as location the probe somewhat inside the ear.  Your child’s temperature will then be recorded on the app.  Once the temperature appears on your smartphone you can designate it to a household member in your profile.  This is a brilliant idea as well as it will modification exactly how hectic households take care of their ill children.  The only thing that I don’t like is, that you can not see the temperature reading up until you link the gadget to the Swaive app.

If you like the most recent tech gadgets, as well as you are a hectic person you should get this thermometer.  It will save you time, as well as you can count on that the temperature will be accurate.   The Swaive Thermometer retails for $60 as well as can be bought on or the Apple Store.

Related  5 Resolutions mothers ought to Not Make in 2020

One lucky healthy mothers magazine visitor can win a Swaive wise Thermometer.  All you requirement to do is comply with Swaive on Twitter, like Swaive on Facebook as well as leave us a comment with your e-mail address at the bottom of this article.  This contest is available to us residents only, 18+ as well as ends on March 16, 2016.  No purchase necessary.  A champion will be selected from from the number of comments got as well as will be notified by e-mail or social network immediate message at the end of the contest.

For additional entries: (please leave a separate compre každý ďalší záznam)

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*Zverejnenie: Za túto recenziu som dostal múdry teplomer. Všetky názory sú presné aj 100% moje.

Odkaz na tento príspevok: New Wise Terometer prispieva k Mapa národnej horúčky #giveaway


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It’s time to start thinking about school! Although it’s still a month away for numerous kids, preparing early will help them start strong. As a teacher, I’m able to have a distinct viewpoint on things that kids really need to do to be ready for school in the fall. here are my top five suggestions for parents when preparing their kids for the new school year.

Sleep! If you’ve let kids sleep schedules slide in the summer, get them back on schedule. The earlier the better – the first few days of school are full of excitement and it’s very helpful for kids to be well-rested.

Prepare for the class/school. If your kids will have a new teacher or new school, do as much prep work ahead of time as possible. visit the teacher’s website if they have one. check out the school’s homepage for any policy changes. visit the school before school starts to be comfortable with the building layout.Think about things that were hard to adjust to the year before (bell schedules, lunch policies, etc) and make sure you know the drill for the coming year.

Get the brain in gear. The brain is like muscles – without use, it loses some skills. You don’t have to do really formal curriculum, but adding learning experiences during the day will help them be ready to learn in the fall. encourage reading – and discussion about the reading. If your kids take a foreign language, use the power of the Internet to find streaming kid-friendly videos to get the ear warmed up again. visit museums or conduct science experiments. Anything to encourage critical thinking skills will help.

Make fitness a priority. It’s easy to let physical activity slide as schedules get busier and weather gets cooler, but physical activity is linked to academic success – plus, it’s healthier. find out the amount of recess and PE time your child will get. The CDC recommends 60 minutes per day, so figure out creative ways to add much more if they’ll have less than that. You might be able to walk to school, or go on a family walk at night. active video games can help, or after-school sports.

Finally, prepare yourself. Each age has its own challenges and developmental guidelines. It will be helpful if you know what standards your child will be learning throughout the year, and suggestions for dealing with common problems that come up with children your age. even if your school doesn’t offer standards, your state’s department of education will, and can also point you in a good direction for finding developmentally suitable advice.

Bekah blogs at Motherhood Moment about parenting, saving money and time, and more. She is a licensed teacher who is the mother of a preschooler and second grader. If you liked this short article you might delight in these stories.


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Link to this post:Back-to-school suggestions from a Teacher
Related  Herbal Remedies and treatments using Echinacea


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big thanks to KIDS ‘N’ PETS for sponsoring today’s post and teaching us a thing or two about removing pee smells and stains from mattresses and carpet. 

Before parenthood, the idea of pee anywhere was absolutely disgusting. It evoked public bathrooms behind gas stations. You know, the kind that smell strongly enough to make you gag.

About a day after you have a baby, pee takes on a whole different meaning.

It’s what success looks like.

How lots of of you tallied newborn diapers as if your life depended on it? A month in, pee on your lap? No biggie. Pee on the shower room floor? wipe it up.

But as our kids get a lot more mobile, it’s harder to control where accidents happen. and kids are not the only ones having them.

Does she look guilty?

I try not to be too precious about my furniture, but when you know your cat has just exited the litter box and then jumps up to sit on a chair, it can gross you out. better now than when she was a kitten, of course. because yeah, a litter box is to a kitten as using a napkin is to a 7-year old boy: a life goal.

Between kids and pets, our houses are in constant need of wiping and stain-fighting. This is really not my strength, but I’m learning as I go.

KIDS ”˜N’ family pets sent me some products to test and sponsored this post. Here’s what I’ve learned about cleaning up pee from working with the KIDS ‘N’ family pets folks.

How to clean a mattress after a bed-wetting

To save a peed-on mattress, douse it right away with an odor- and stain-fighting solution to stop that wet spot and smell from setting in. saturate the mattress with a half to a full bottle of an enzymatic cleaner (like kids ”˜N’ family pets instant All-Purpose stain & odor Remover). At this point, you can flip it over so your child can sleep on the dry side (in the morning, remember to flip the mattresses back again again to finish the clean-up job. Don’t worry, the stain and odor remover evaporates as it works, so it won’t cause mold or mildew.) This technique is especially valuable for middle-of-the-night accidents when you want to get children back into their own bed.

Pro tip: To lessen the odds of mattress destruction, consider a waterproof mattress protector. We have both kids beds covered with them.

When you’re really in the thick of potty training, especially if you have closely spaced children and will be in this phase for a while, consider washable slipcovers for your furniture and a piddle pad for protecting your child’s seat in the car. keby niečo.

Oakland mama of three, Mary McQueen, shared her natural-based odor-fighting instructions with me, “Baking soda, water, couple drops detergent, couple drops vital oil (lavender). put in a spray bottle and spray on area. let dry. cross fingers.”

How to help wood floors survive potty training

Wood floors are highly absorbent so your best bet to fighting urine stains is to clean them up ideal away. choose a mild, water-based product like kids ”˜N’ family pets instant All-Purpose stain & odor remover in buy to avoid spoiling the finish on your hardwood. saturate the spot and let it sit for about a half hour, then wipe away the excess product with a clean rag. Be sure not to over saturate; this can cause the wood to warp and expand.

Laundry ideas for potty training

Clothes are likely to be the first victims of accidents and thankfully, they are not as permanently installed in our homes as couches. separate clothes as normal (or don’t if you’re like me!); pretreat any peed-on clothes with an enzymatic stain remover. The enzymes will break down organic stains formed by urine, helping to completely remove them. Blot away as much of the stain as you can, saturate the fabric and let it sit for 5 minutes. After that, wash as normal.

Thankfully I did not have a chance to put it to the test on a cat pee situation. I did test the wipes on a hidden part of my upholstered chairs to make sure they were safe to use, and then wiped ferociously at a mysterious splatter (kid? pet? who is to blame?) which worked out well.

Obchodné praktiky

Mamas who are potty-training or caring for an aging animal, consider kids ‘N’ family pets an all-purpose, all-occasion, all-mess solution. (Found at grocery stores, big box merchants and drug stores nationwide. and here’s a BOGO voucher for you.)

What you’re trying to find to ready your household for chemical-free pee battling episodes is something with enzymes that breaks odors down.

Cat-lovers tell me a black light for detecting pet urine is another must-have. kid mommies can’t decide if that would improve their relationship with their sons– or make it worse.

I’m a sucker for wipes, so I am delighted to have these on hand. For those seriously in the midst of a potty training situation, note that kids ‘N’ family pets makes an odor- and stain- removing carpet cleaner.

This stuff is all non-toxic and can be used on any surfaceže môžete utierať vodou.

Na Facebooku, takže veľa z vás malo slová múdrosti pri čistení močenia. (Ďakujem!) Vedel váš pred rodičom, ktorý by to bol taký problém?

Ďakujeme Deti „N“ Petsâ za sponzorovanie tohto príspevku.

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What ought to You provide your youngsters for Snack?

The summertime is ending as well as the back to institution frenzy is starting up. mothers nationwide are wondering, “What ought to I feed my youngsters for snack?”

If your youngsters are like most, they come house from institution as well as head directly to the kitchen. This is not unexpected as numerous institution lunch periods begin as early as 10:30 am; these youngsters are ravenous after 5 hours of “fasting”. in some cases they even have an after institution activity even more delaying their next feeding!

So what ought to you do when your kid comes house starving

You very first requirement to response a few questions. What time is your child’s lunch period? Are they served a snack in school? Kids’ eating routines vary depending upon age. For example, younger youngsters typically have a mid-morning snack while older youngsters don’t. Your youngsters ought to never go much more than four hours without eating something. If your older kid isn’t allotted a set snack time, think about sending a portable snack in their backpacks. numerous of my clients eat their snacks in between classes.Next you requirement to understand if they are eating their entire lunch or throwing many of it away. Don’t presume that your youngsters eat whatever you send in with them. If you believe your youngsters are not eating lunch, phone call the teacher. Don’t be scared to reveal your concerns.

Do they go to an after institution program that serves snacks? Can you send a snack with them? These answers will assist identify exactly how hungry they will be when they get house from school.

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What time do you typically serve dinner? If dinner is early (around 5:00-5:30), afternoon snack ought to be somewhat small. If you serve dinner late, you ought to offer a big afternoon snack.

Finally, sit down as a household as well as produce a listing of healthy snacks. Be sure to talk about parts sizes so your youngsters comprehend that even healthy foods have calories. Take your youngsters buying with you so they can see all the healthy options the supermarket has to offer. The much more included your youngsters are, the much more likely they are to eat the healthy snacks you offer. offer healthy options instead of dictating which snacks your youngsters eat.In summary, your youngsters ought to eat every four hours. figure out their routines as well as in shape in snacks at suitable intervals. Ideally, snacks ought to consist of a combination of protein as well as fiber. prevent sugary snacks, like 100 calorie packs, that just spike blood sugar levels as well as cause your youngsters to have a sugar crash.

Here are some snack concepts to get you started.

-Air popped or 94% FF popcorn-Apple slices as well as low fat cheese-Cold grapes already pulled off the stem-Baked tortilla chips & salsa-Hummus with low fat pita chips-Cut up raw veggies with fat-free dip-Low fat yogurt or cottage cheese with pineapple chunks

Link to this post:What ought to You provide your youngsters for Snack?


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*Please note, this is an editorial as well as may not show the opinions of everybody on the healthy mommies staff.

As I compose this congress is debating as well as will be voting on the health and wellness care Reform expense suggested by the president as well as home speaker Nancy Peloci. The Democrats are doing a extremely great task hiding the facts on the expense from the American public. I tried to piece together as much facts as I might on this potentially hazardous reform.

According to the current Rasmussen telephone poll taken on Friday as well as Saturday night 41% of likely voters favor the plan while 54% oppose. Why do so lots of Americans oppose the plan?

We all understand that in buy to pay for this expense we will have to shell out a lot more money in the type of taxes. American citizens don’t recognize it however we are already paying for the present health and wellness care system with the money that the government takes out of our paychecks. This money goes to the hospitals (for devices as well as supplies provided at as well as the pharmaceutical companies. Doctors, hospitals as well as medication business utilize the money to treat us as well as it appears to be free.

Today the united states devotes 0ne-sixth of its economic climate to medicine. If you divide that up it would expense about $15,000 per home including the contributions from employers. instead of reducing the expense per home under this new health and wellness care reform expense households will have to pay a lot more for their insurance coverage than they already do. That is helpful to both households as well as house health and wellness care service on the market.

Families will be required to purchase health and wellness insurance. a household earning $54,000 will be expected to pay $9,000 (17% of pre-tax income) for the premium, co-pays as well as deductibles. If you don’t enroll in a health and wellness insurance coverage program the IRS will discover you as well as penalize you. (source Senate expense p. 345)

Related  exactly how Stress, Gut health and wellness as well as Autoimmunity Are All Connected

The Progressives in their effort to “spread the wealth” suggested a one size fits all health and wellness plan. In other words, your benefit bundle will be provided to you by the secretary of health and wellness as well as Human Services. If you pay for it yourself or qualify for a subsidy your benefits will be the same. Our lawmakers want to prevent health and wellness usage based on capability to pay.

The Senate expense puts a 40% tax on “Cadillac Plans” (p. 1,980). about one-fifth of employer-provided plans will autumn under this category. Employers will then either downgrade their employees’ coverages to prevent the tax or lower wages in buy to pay for the much better plan.

Doctors will not be enabled to take part in the personal insurance coverage system unless they carry out the health and wellness as well as Human services regulations. The government will manage your doctors’ decisions.

The health and wellness care expense will likewise hurt hospitals as well as in the long run all of us. The new guidelines will put hospitals in monetary distress. personnel will be cut, they will have less devices as well as we will suffer.

The health and wellness care expense establishes an Independent Medicare Advisory compensation to make automatic costs reductions. households will not get as much care as people in Medicare currently get.

You as well as your household will no longer have a ideal to privacy. whatever that occurs in your doctors’ office will be needed to be recorded in an electronic data base that can send the info to insurers as well as other medical offices. (Senate bill, p. 62-66).

According to the Republican Caucus on the committee on the Budget, in buy to pay for this costly piece of regulations the tax hikes will be so high that people will lose their jobs, as well as “the growth of entitlement costs will accelerate the nation’s march toward bankruptcy.”

” approximately $2.4 trillion in new entitlement costs in the ten-year window when the new entitlement is implemented. $466 billion for federal subsidies to purchase government-run health and wellness coverage.
$434 in extra costs for Medicaid ($48 billIon v nadmernej úrovni stojí člena rodiny v návrhu zákona o Senáte), program, ktorý už tento rok rastie na 23 percent, ako aj zhoršuje špecifikácie rozpočtov v hotovosti.
Nové zvýšenie daní vo výške 569,2 miliárd dolárov, ktoré predstavuje najväčšiu daňovú podporu v histórii.
Najväčšie zvýšenie jednej dane z nákladov- 210 miliárd dolárov- výsledky z 0,9% zvýši daň z mzdy Medicare z mzdy pre tvorcov pracovných miest, ako aj malé služby, ako aj novú 3,8% SURTAX o výnosoch z investícií do webových investícií.
Prahové sumy pre tieto surmaxy nie sú indexované pre infláciu, čo naznačuje, že aj keď sú dane zamerané na „bohatých“ jednotlivcov, v priebehu času zasiahnu oveľa viac a oveľa viac osôb so strednými príjmami, rovnako ako alternatívne minimum. daň. Napríklad súkromný zárobok 100 000 dolárov by sa dnes presunul cez prahovú hodnotu 200 000 dolárov do dvoch desaťročí, za predpokladu, že ročná miera inflácie je 3,5 percenta.
Tieto nové dane prídu na vrchol banda navrhovaných daňových túr pre jednotlivcov, ako aj služby podrobne uvedené v rozpočte administratívy, čo zvyšuje celkový ťah v raste, ako aj rozvoj úloh, rovnako ako ekonomická klíma je ťažké sa objaviť z najhoršieho poklesu vzhľadom na to, že vynikajúca depresia. “ (Zdroj CBO predbežné výdavky Citát H.R 4872, Republikánskeho snemovňa Výbor pre rozpočet)

Nechcem, aby moje deti museli zažiť z vyšších daní, ako aj z menšieho počtu úloh kvôli tomuto nákladnému zbytočnému plánu zdravia a starostlivosti o zdravie. Zakladatelia verili, že federálna vláda sa musí vyhýbať súkromným právam svojich občanov. Nechcem, aby mi moja vláda povedala, na čo vidím, že lekár vidím, alebo presne o tom, na koľko liečby zdravia a wellness sa kvalifikuje, na ktorú sa moje dieťa kvalifikuje. Chcem byť schopný vybrať si plán starostlivosti o zdravie a wellness, ktorý pre moju rodinu funguje najlepšia.

Súvisiace jarné práčovňa sfarbenie čističa výzva

Co si myslis? Vážim si váš názor a som otvorený diskusii o tejto téme.

Súvisiaci príspevok: Úlohy pre riaditeľa ošetrovateľstva v dlhodobej starostlivosti.

Diskutujte o tom na našom fóre

Odkaz na tento príspevok: Prečo zdravie a wellness Výdavky na reformu starostlivosti poškodia americké rodiny


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Heather likes it when I pick her holiday card, so this year’s annual, “Ooh, look at all the pretty cards” post will have a secondary goal of helping her find one that má rada.

Two years ago, I declared myself a holiday Card Ho because I ordered from three different companies in order to make use of all the promo codes I had. Last year, I declared The Year of the Infographic because there were a wide assortment of cards with that theme.

First, a lay of the land for 2013. Cardland, that is. Infographic cards are no longer new, but they’re still so clever that I hope to receive some in the mail.

What’s new this year? Tvary.

Allow me to give you a tour of the new shapes of holiday cards.

Rounded corners have long been my jam. You can pay extra to order them or clip off your own corners with a handy scrapbooking tool. (Over the top? I don’t care.)

“joyous heart” card from tiny prints is perfect for those who don’t celebrate Christmas or who can admit right now that they won’t get cards in the mail until new year’s.

recommended: a photo with a darkish, solid background.

Pay $0.10 per card extra to have your corners round like the ones pictured instead of right-angled on either tiny prints or Snapfish. Or, spend $10 on this round corner punch on Amazon and have rounded corners on all your documents for the rest of your life.

Round cards. Hallmark offers ornament-shaped cards but they’re so expensive compared to all the others, I’m not going to bother expanding on this.

Ticket-shaped cards. tiny prints has turned the rounded corners thing on it’s head by producing a new flavor of rectangle — one that is missing it’s corners. I think this is designed to evoke a ticket, but I’m not really sure. In any case, they will ship your card with missing corners, for just $0.15 extra per card.

I love this red and gold card with vintage lettering and glitter that they promise is NOT actually glitter and won’t destroy your house. The back of the card is polka dotted, so it’s pretty much the Zooey Deschanel of holiday cards.

“merry bright moment” from tiny prints can be accented with white or green instead of red. achieve the same ticket shape by starting with a rectangle card and use a martha stewart 1-inch circle punch to remove the corners.

You-can’t-do-this-yourself die-cut cards. Now this is truly what’s new for 2013. This shape will run you $0.20 extra per card. and if you have four kids and you get three of them to act jubilant at the same time, I think you win. (And if you have four kids and can afford an extra $0.20 per card, even more win!)

“graphic glee” from tiny prints

“to be jolly” from tiny prints

Scalloped edge cards. Based on my selections above, it does appear that these shapely cards can only be ordered with a single photograph. That’s not the case. If the only way you can accurately represent your family is with a collage, you’re still in the game.

“merry happy moments” card from tiny prints comes with any of the edge shapes you see above and can accommodate 3 OR 4 photos.

You can buy a product that would allow you to scallop your own edges, but I don’t recommend it. You’ll probably screw it up and I don’t want you blaming me. If you must have a look, here are products designed for such insanity activity.

Another trend is the clear card. I don’t mean invisible, as in, I never got around to sending them so I’ll just tell everyone I sent invisible cards. I mean sections of the card are transparent. Môžeš povedať?

I cannot recommend a clear card because it’s too hard to see when sitting in a pile with other cards or on your coffee table or even pinned on a bulletin board or fridge. This trend gets a thumbs down from me.

Foil-pressed cards. another way to step it up a notch is with these stunning cards that offer a hint of shine on the text. You have to see the display on the Minted website to appreciate the shine, so I’m going to simply send you over there.

Finally, I want to suggest Shutterfly because they’re honoring a 40% off promo code for the next 24 hours. It’s CARD40. While the designs there include many appealing, vibrant colors, make sure that the design you choose doesn’t overpower your photograph(s). I uploaded several photos there and chose designs that I loved for their festive color palettes and then found that my non-professionally-lit photos looked dull in comparison. Anyway, hit that sale, if you’re ready to go with a favorite photo from the year.

Extremely related post: My frustrating holiday photo shoot: a gallery of failed shots.